
NSQ 介绍

NSQ是 Go 语言编写的一个开源的实时分布式内存消息队列,其性能十分优异。NSQ 的优势有以下优势:

  1. NSQ 提倡分布式和分散的拓扑,没有单点故障,支持容错和高可用性,并提供可靠的消息交付保证
  2. NSQ 支持横向扩展,没有任何集中式代理。
  3. NSQ 易于配置和部署,并且内置了管理界面。

NSQ 的应用场景





通过使用消息队列将不同的业务逻辑解耦,降低系统间的耦合,提高系统的健壮性。后续有其他业务要使用订单数据可直接订阅消息队列,提高系统的灵活性。nsq 应用场景 1


类似秒杀(大秒)等场景下,某一时间可能会产生大量的请求,使用消息队列能够为后端处理请求提供一定的缓冲区,保证后端服务的稳定性。nsq 应用场景 1


官方下载页面 根据自己的平台下载并解压即可。

NSQ 组件


nsqd 是一个守护进程,它接收、排队并向客户端发送消息。

启动 nsqd,指定-broadcast-address= 来配置广播地址

./nsqd -broadcast-address=

如果是在搭配 nsqlookupd 使用的模式下需要还指定 nsqlookupd 地址:

./nsqd -broadcast-address= -lookupd-tcp-address=

如果是部署了多个 nsqlookupd 节点的集群,那还可以指定多个-lookupd-tcp-address


-auth-http-address value
    <addr>:<port> to query auth server (may be given multiple times)
-broadcast-address string
    address that will be registered with lookupd (defaults to the OS hostname) (default "PROSNAKES.local")
-config string
    path to config file
-data-path string
    path to store disk-backed messages
    enable deflate feature negotiation (client compression) (default true)
-e2e-processing-latency-percentile value
    message processing time percentiles (as float (0, 1.0]) to track (can be specified multiple times or comma separated '1.0,0.99,0.95', default none)
-e2e-processing-latency-window-time duration
    calculate end to end latency quantiles for this duration of time (ie: 60s would only show quantile calculations from the past 60 seconds) (default 10m0s)
-http-address string
    <addr>:<port> to listen on for HTTP clients (default "")
-http-client-connect-timeout duration
    timeout for HTTP connect (default 2s)
-http-client-request-timeout duration
    timeout for HTTP request (default 5s)
-https-address string
    <addr>:<port> to listen on for HTTPS clients (default "")
-log-prefix string
    log message prefix (default "[nsqd]")
-lookupd-tcp-address value
    lookupd TCP address (may be given multiple times)
-max-body-size int
    maximum size of a single command body (default 5242880)
-max-bytes-per-file int
    number of bytes per diskqueue file before rolling (default 104857600)
-max-deflate-level int
    max deflate compression level a client can negotiate (> values == > nsqd CPU usage) (default 6)
-max-heartbeat-interval duration
    maximum client configurable duration of time between client heartbeats (default 1m0s)
-max-msg-size int
    maximum size of a single message in bytes (default 1048576)
-max-msg-timeout duration
    maximum duration before a message will timeout (default 15m0s)
-max-output-buffer-size int
    maximum client configurable size (in bytes) for a client output buffer (default 65536)
-max-output-buffer-timeout duration
    maximum client configurable duration of time between flushing to a client (default 1s)
-max-rdy-count int
    maximum RDY count for a client (default 2500)
-max-req-timeout duration
    maximum requeuing timeout for a message (default 1h0m0s)
-mem-queue-size int
    number of messages to keep in memory (per topic/channel) (default 10000)
-msg-timeout string
    duration to wait before auto-requeing a message (default "1m0s")
-node-id int
    unique part for message IDs, (int) in range [0,1024) (default is hash of hostname) (default 616)
    enable snappy feature negotiation (client compression) (default true)
-statsd-address string
    UDP <addr>:<port> of a statsd daemon for pushing stats
-statsd-interval string
    duration between pushing to statsd (default "1m0s")
    toggle sending memory and GC stats to statsd (default true)
-statsd-prefix string
    prefix used for keys sent to statsd (%s for host replacement) (default "nsq.%s")
-sync-every int
    number of messages per diskqueue fsync (default 2500)
-sync-timeout duration
    duration of time per diskqueue fsync (default 2s)
-tcp-address string
    <addr>:<port> to listen on for TCP clients (default "")
-tls-cert string
    path to certificate file
-tls-client-auth-policy string
    client certificate auth policy ('require' or 'require-verify')
-tls-key string
    path to key file
-tls-min-version value
    minimum SSL/TLS version acceptable ('ssl3.0', 'tls1.0', 'tls1.1', or 'tls1.2') (default 769)
    require TLS for client connections (true, false, tcp-https)
-tls-root-ca-file string
    path to certificate authority file
    enable verbose logging
    print version string
    do NOT use this, use --node-id


nsqlookupd 是维护所有 nsqd 状态、提供服务发现的守护进程。它能为消费者查找特定 topic 下的 nsqd 提供了运行时的自动发现服务。它不维持持久状态,也不需要与任何其他 nsqlookupd 实例协调以满足查询。因此根据你系统的冗余要求尽可能多地部署 nsqlookupd 节点。它们小豪的资源很少,可以与其他服务共存。我们的建议是为每个数据中心运行至少 3 个集群。


-broadcast-address string
    address of this lookupd node, (default to the OS hostname) (default "PROSNAKES.local")
-config string
    path to config file
-http-address string
    <addr>:<port> to listen on for HTTP clients (default "")
-inactive-producer-timeout duration
    duration of time a producer will remain in the active list since its last ping (default 5m0s)
-log-prefix string
    log message prefix (default "[nsqlookupd]")
-tcp-address string
    <addr>:<port> to listen on for TCP clients (default "")
-tombstone-lifetime duration
    duration of time a producer will remain tombstoned if registration remains (default 45s)
    enable verbose logging
    print version string


一个实时监控集群状态、执行各种管理任务的 Web 管理平台。启动 nsqadmin,指定nsqlookupd 地址:

./nsqadmin -lookupd-http-address=

我们可以使用浏览器打开 访问如下管理界面。nsqadmin 管理界面


-allow-config-from-cidr string
    A CIDR from which to allow HTTP requests to the /config endpoint (default "")
-config string
    path to config file
-graphite-url string
    graphite HTTP address
-http-address string
    <addr>:<port> to listen on for HTTP clients (default "")
-http-client-connect-timeout duration
    timeout for HTTP connect (default 2s)
-http-client-request-timeout duration
    timeout for HTTP request (default 5s)
-http-client-tls-cert string
    path to certificate file for the HTTP client
    configure the HTTP client to skip verification of TLS certificates
-http-client-tls-key string
    path to key file for the HTTP client
-http-client-tls-root-ca-file string
    path to CA file for the HTTP client
-log-prefix string
    log message prefix (default "[nsqadmin]")
-lookupd-http-address value
    lookupd HTTP address (may be given multiple times)
-notification-http-endpoint string
    HTTP endpoint (fully qualified) to which POST notifications of admin actions will be sent
-nsqd-http-address value
    nsqd HTTP address (may be given multiple times)
    proxy HTTP requests to graphite
-statsd-counter-format string
    The counter stats key formatting applied by the implementation of statsd. If no formatting is desired, set this to an empty string. (default "stats.counters.%s.count")
-statsd-gauge-format string
    The gauge stats key formatting applied by the implementation of statsd. If no formatting is desired, set this to an empty string. (default "stats.gauges.%s")
-statsd-interval duration
    time interval nsqd is configured to push to statsd (must match nsqd) (default 1m0s)
-statsd-prefix string
    prefix used for keys sent to statsd (%s for host replacement, must match nsqd) (default "nsq.%s")
    print version string

NSQ 架构

NSQ 工作模式


Topic 和 Channel

每个 nsqd 实例旨在一次处理多个数据流。这些数据流称为 “topics”,一个topic 具有 1 个或多个 “channels”。每个channel 都会收到 topic 所有消息的副本,实际上下游的服务是通过对应的 channel 来消费 topic 消息。

topicchannel 不是预先配置的。topic在首次使用时创建,方法是将其发布到指定 topic,或者订阅指定topic 上的 channelchannel 是通过订阅指定的 channel 在第一次使用时创建的。

topicchannel 都相互独立地缓冲数据,防止缓慢的消费者导致其他 chennel 的积压(同样适用于 topic 级别)。


nsq 架构设计总而言之,消息是从 topic -> channel(每个 channel 接收该 topic 的所有消息的副本)多播的,但是从channel -> consumers 均匀分布(每个消费者接收该 channel 的一部分消息)。

NSQ 接收和发送消息流程


NSQ 特性

  • 消息默认不持久化,可以配置成持久化模式。nsq 采用的方式时内存 + 硬盘的模式,当内存到达一定程度时就会将数据持久化到硬盘。
    • 如果将 --mem-queue-size 设置为 0,所有的消息将会存储到磁盘。
    • 服务器重启时也会将当时在内存中的消息持久化。
  • 每条消息至少传递一次。
  • 消息不保证有序。

Go 操作 NSQ

官方提供了 Go 语言版的客户端:go-nsq,更多客户端支持请查看CLIENT LIBRARIES


go get -u github.com/nsqio/go-nsq



// nsq_producer/main.go
package main

import (


// NSQ Producer Demo

var producer *nsq.Producer

// 初始化生产者
func initProducer(str string) (err error) {config := nsq.NewConfig()
	producer, err = nsq.NewProducer(str, config)
	if err != nil {fmt.Printf("create producer failed, err:%v\n", err)
		return err
	return nil

func main() {
	nsqAddress := ""
	err := initProducer(nsqAddress)
	if err != nil {fmt.Printf("init producer failed, err:%v\n", err)

	reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) // 从标准输入读取
	for {data, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
		if err != nil {fmt.Printf("read string from stdin failed, err:%v\n", err)
		data = strings.TrimSpace(data)
		if strings.ToUpper(data) == "Q" { // 输入 Q 退出
		// 向 'topic_demo' publish 数据
		err = producer.Publish("topic_demo", []byte(data))
		if err != nil {fmt.Printf("publish msg to nsq failed, err:%v\n", err)

将上面的代码编译执行,然后在终端输入两条数据 123456

$ ./nsq_producer 
2018/10/22 18:41:20 INF    1 ( connecting to nsqd

使用浏览器打开 可以查看到类似下面的页面:在下面这个页面能看到当前的 topic 信息:nsqadmin 界面 1

点击页面上的 topic_demo 就能进入一个展示更多详细信息的页面,在这个页面上我们可以查看和管理 topic,同时能够看到目前在LWZMBP:4151 (127.0.01:4151) 这个 nsqd 上有 2 条 message。又因为没有消费者接入所以暂时没有创建channelnsqadmin 界面 2

/nodes 这个页面我们能够很方便的查看当前接入 lookupdnsqd节点。nsqadmin 界面 3

这个 /counter 页面显示了处理的消息数量,因为我们没有接入消费者,所以处理的消息数量为 0。nsqadmin 界面 4

/lookup 界面支持创建 topicchannelnsqadmin 界面 5



// nsq_consumer/main.go
package main

import (


// NSQ Consumer Demo

// MyHandler 是一个消费者类型
type MyHandler struct {Title string}

// HandleMessage 是需要实现的处理消息的方法
func (m *MyHandler) HandleMessage(msg *nsq.Message) (err error) {fmt.Printf("%s recv from %v, msg:%v\n", m.Title, msg.NSQDAddress, string(msg.Body))

// 初始化消费者
func initConsumer(topic string, channel string, address string) (err error) {config := nsq.NewConfig()
	config.LookupdPollInterval = 15 * time.Second
	c, err := nsq.NewConsumer(topic, channel, config)
	if err != nil {fmt.Printf("create consumer failed, err:%v\n", err)
	consumer := &MyHandler{Title: "沙河 1 号",}

	// if err := c.ConnectToNSQD(address); err != nil { // 直接连 NSQD
	if err := c.ConnectToNSQLookupd(address); err != nil { // 通过 lookupd 查询
		return err
	return nil


func main() {err := initConsumer("topic_demo", "first", "")
	if err != nil {fmt.Printf("init consumer failed, err:%v\n", err)
	c := make(chan os.Signal)        // 定义一个信号的通道
	signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGINT) // 转发键盘中断信号到 c
	<-c                              // 阻塞

将上面的代码保存之后编译执行,就能够获取之前我们 publish 的两条消息了:

$ ./nsq_consumer 
2018/10/22 18:49:06 INF    1 [topic_demo/first] querying nsqlookupd
2018/10/22 18:49:06 INF    1 [topic_demo/first] ( connecting to nsqd
沙河 1 号 recv from, msg:123
沙河 1 号 recv from, msg:456

同时在 nsqadmin 的 /counter 页面查看到处理的数据数量为 2。nsqadmin 界面 5

关于 go-nsq 的更多内容请阅读go-nsq 的官方文档
